Rain and Bird
I wasn’t troubled last night when I awoke from my sleep. There were chittering and pattering taps against my window that aroused me. Once I recognized the familiar sound as rain I welcomed it with a smile. There has been a lot of pollen as of lately, but I have not been complaining because I am looking forward to a colorful spring. I understand the rain helps settle the pollen to continue the process of the magic it makes.
I smiled at the free carwash Midnight was getting while waiting for me to drive him once more.
I smiled at the thought of how fresh and cool the air may have been outside. I did not wait a moment longer; I got up from my bed to open the windows and confirmed my thoughts of fresh cool air.
“Ahhhhh” I breathed.
You may think I am overexaggerating but seriously if you ever took the time out and appreciated a late-night rain you would understand where I am coming from. If you do not understand, have no fear, this experience is free, you just have to bring the rain on a dark cloudy night, then open your mind and breathe.
Yes, I breathed “Ahhhhh”, and I felt so relieved. I went to lay back down in my bed. The spot I onced laid in was no longer warm, the cool fresh air caressed my sheets prickling me with chills. I moved around a bit to bring back my warmth and find the best position suited for the journey back into sleep; however, as soon as I became comfortable and closed my eyes I suddenly hear “whoo hoo hoo hoohoot ”, I popped my eyes open and stiffened in my bed.
“No way”, I thought.
I became still and patiently hoped I would hear it again.
Hundreds of thousands of rain drops later I heard the voice once more. “whoo hoo hoohoohoooot”, followed by the chittering and pattering of the rain.
It is a rare treat to hear a bird in the middle of the night in my current space. I take these odd occurrences as blessings because they are always soothing and to me one of the best feelings in this world is being soothed. As I waited for another verse, I could have felt the stillness of the bird unbothered by the rain.
The rain made its careless, delicate drops from the sky creating a collection of sounds as it tapped on various buildings and trees. The bird I imagined just sat there on a tree branch, bold with its chest out and eyes open, “whoo hoo hoohoohoot”, it sang confidently soothing me once more.
There is solace in these sounds. Nature is a Master at bringing different sounds together to create a masterpiece that can soothe you in troubled and even untroubled times. I needed to hear this sound again; therefore, I recorded the song. I simply titled the song “Rain and Bird”. May it sooth and delight you on one of those unusual days.
“whoo hoo hoo hoohoot”.