
So much is changing so fast. Some changes I will note are how we communicate with each other, our jobs incorporating more technology, prices for our needs and wants, and the way we heal. Those who have prepared for these changes have a better grasp and understanding of how to handle it and why these changes are made. Those who are taking their time to adjust to these changes can feel the pressure and are stressed to once again change. To once again change, exhausting right? However, refreshing to see anew. To gain more clarity about life and to reaffirm that no matter what everything is going to be alright, it is all a matter of being inside of the winds of change, the process of gliding, or if you are stubborn, colliding through the wind. It is scary and exciting. Dangerous and courageous. Just know everyday will give you a moment to pause, a moment to assess any damages or incorrect thinking. You know you are doing something right when you awake the next day. Use that particular day to continue understanding the change happening around and within you. Be friends with and appreciate change because it is supposed to happen.

Good luck.

She Believesinherself

I live to write. I write to live.



