When I gaze in that glass, I try piercing her eyes because there is something,
there is something beyond what she is showing me,
something beyond her reflection.
She stares back knowing my secrets, my fears, and my weaknesses.
I do not feel judged because I feel she understands.
She breathes in sync with me,
wipes the tears I shed,
and shows me a smile looks better instead.
Although I only see her in a glass,
this girl staring back at me has walked all the miles that I have come to pass.
There is no need to see her because everywhere I feel her.
There are those who need her and once through leave her.
In perfect time comes a glass to remind her they will never have the last.
So I say to her and I hear her say to me
"thank you for all that you do, for your patience, resilience, and for trusting me to carry your reflection for others to see. I love you, now continue to be”.