Although my limbs and senses were present there was still something missing.
Wondering around aimlessly to find what I must to understand what this life is all for.
Playing the role assigned to me, following the duties required of me.
Moving around on autopilot, no need to think of the steps ahead because it was already scheduled and timed for me.
No need to second guess.
No need to feel.
No need to fill.
I just walked and played my part all the while praised for my intelligence in obedience, my silence, and my emptiness.
No one questioned what was inside because I did my best to project nothing.
Staying out of the way, diverting attention, and just watching on the side lines allowing life to unfold the way it wanted around me, everything folding in within me.
I did not allow myself to feel because I did not know what I could do with it. What would come of it?
Vacant with so much room contradicting myself with no room.
Empty yet bursting with so much to offer, so much to give.