“I love you”.
A pair of eyes gaze back at me. Did I read his mind, or did he say this out loud?
I never heard those words directed towards me; it was an odd foreign thing. I did not know how to respond because I did not want to speak too much.
I had only read such statements in fairytale books. I believed “I love you”, was only told to beautiful girls, Princesses, and Queens.
Despite the natural way it was spoken, it was not right I was hearing this. Could anyone really love me? Did he know what he was talking about? Is love even real?
My hollowness stirred.
In the quiet empty world I held inside I pondered on this statement. I searched my depths and saw nothing; therefore, I looked into his.
It was in the way in which he smiled and laughed, the way he openly expressed himself to me.
The way he dressed so intentionally.
The way he clipped, trimmed, and shaped so sexily.
The way he held his head high and knew all the answers so confidently.
The way he thought about me wholeheartedly.
The way he waited until I was ready, so patiently.
The way he took his time with his words, which drifted towards me smoothly.
Is this all he saw in me?
Was I doing these things and I just could not see?
Those moments when I look in the mirror and I take a peek, these familiar feelings he expressed to me, show up so vividly.
I decided in that moment looking into his eyes to allow those words to no longer just sing in my mind. I permitted “I love you” to vibrate in my ears to give me a new experience and believe it. This is possible, I can be loved.
“I love you too”.