
He grabs me and our lips meet in a silent greet.

I close my eyes and I am enveloped in darkness.

I feel nothing but his lips possessing and controlling me.

He is guiding me into the direction I should go, I am moving along with his flow.

I am experiencing something magical. 

I would fall but he holds me tight,

sucking my upper lip demanding me to stand upright.

Weakness is not permitted here, I must stand my ground, and give back with no fear.

I draw his lower lip deeper into my mouth, he sings a low moan and I think how beautiful this sound.

We are in this dark together floating, drifting, and transporting with this kiss.

I am in total awe and enjoying this bliss.

I am engraving this route in the darkness because I feel this is another way to happiness, overcoming it all and becoming fearless, even if I no longer have this kiss.

My goodness, I am enjoying this gift, his lips.

He grants my body permission to join our minds as he slowly rocks me, swaying me from left to right, guiding my body on how to let go, like our minds, to join in on the flow.

We go around and round in circles, I am beginning to feel we are about to fly.

Until I feel his lips gently peeling away from me ruining my high.

My eyes open and my mind drifts back up to reality.

I want to pull him back in, but I cannot be greedy.

I must let go with grace and respect his pace.

My eyes look back up into his as I search, hope, and pray this was not our last


She Believesinherself

I live to write. I write to live.



