A beautiful thing to see you.
You did your best.
The cottons, polyesters, satins, silks,
the exuberant colors that matched your mood,
the cuts in the fabric were all great shields and distractions
to keep me from seeing you.
Even as I peeled those layers away there was still more to see.
The light and dark tones of your skin shone in my eyes.
I did my best to not seem greedy, not to want more but I couldn't help it.
You laid before me naked, and I knew there was more to you than what the eye could see.
You spoke and I listened.
You allowed yourself to become vulnerable with me.
You trusted me with things better left unsaid.
You were exposed and I set all judgements aside.
You then turned to me and saw me still clothed.
I smiled and there I laid before you,